Flood Protection
Flooding can be catastrophic to the surrounding infrastructure and people. Scour can cause devastation by eroding the soil and increasing the height of the unsupported side causing a large lateral load that can cause nearby building foundations to fail. ESC is adept at providing both designs and materials to minimize the adverse effects caused by flooding.
In the United States alone, flood damages totaled over $8.4 billion in 2011. The worst single floods in the world have caused individual countries in excess of $10 billion. Floods are devastating to your home, business and life. There are a variety of ways to protect your asset from flood water. Manufacturers design, create and install bespoke engineered and efficient flood defences, such as flood barriers, flood doors and flood gates that offer guaranteed protection and prevention from floods.
To create an efficient anti-flood system, it is important to design and implement modern technological solutions that have the potential of maintaining natural environment rather than becoming a cause for its destruction. In this respect, installing sheet pile walls is considered to be a environmentally friendly and constructive solution for flood control. The implementation and installation of steel sheet pile walls has become popular due to providing a safe and cost-effective solution.
The sheet piles provide the best solution for building and reinforcing flood ditches, dikes, ditches, etc. Sheet pile walls offer good seepage resistance. The sheet piles, whether they are hot or cold rolled, work perfectly and provide an optimal solution against floods. To prevent sheet pile caving, hydraulic machines and high efficiency, self-propelled vibrators are used.
Sheet piles can be installed in a short amount of time as compared to other flood protection systems
Benefits of Using Sheet Piles During Construction
Following are the benefits of using the sheet pile walls:
1. Sheet piles can stabilize and seal both the existing and new flood dikes and ditches. They can prevent tides and adequately stabilize the structure of flood dikes. The part of the sheet pile wall that is seated into the ground typically has negligible corrosion.
2. Another great benefit that the use of sheet piles offers for flood protection is the material it's made from: Steel is flexible, homogenous, plastic and quite safe for the surrounding environment. A single 40' trailer can deliver a quantity of sheet piles to cover over 400 square metres (4,280 sqf) of sheet piles wall, making it very weight and transport efficient. The material used in sheet pile walls fully meets the requirements of well-known standards as well. Steel is not only 100% recyclable but it is also a 100% ecological material.
3. Steel sheet piles are sold in the market as ready-to-use products that can be instantly bought for immediate application. A relatively small amount of preparation is typically needed to install them.
4. Depending on ground conditions, installation times can be very swift with over 50 metres of new sheet pile wall width a day driven.
ESC's sheet pilng product line offers solutions that cater to various types of site and ground conditions.